Copper sulfate

Copper sulphate, blue vitriol are all common names for copper sulphate pentahydrate (CuS04, 5H20), which is the best known and most widely used copper salt.

Our copper sulphate is produced by treating pure copper metal with sulfuric acid.


Food for animals
Copper is an essential trace element in the diet of animals. Copper sulphate is used in the production of animal feed, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, domestic animals and other farm animals.

In agriculture, copper sulfate is widely used as trace elements in fertilizers. Its fungicidal properties are used in the cultivation of grapes and fruit trees (a mixture of Bordeaux).

Extractive Industry
The mining industry uses it as an activator in the concentration of certain ores by froth flotation.

Copper sulphate is used as an electrolyte in copper refining and electroplating.


All grades of copper sulfate can be supplied in big bags or in paper bags of 25 kilograms each.

Also available under private label in 25 kg paper bags and Big Big bags to meet your specific needs and requirements.

Сульфат меди медный купорос